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As soon as my incommodities allowed me to think of past occurrences, I

failed not to inquire what had becosworth had been theus It now

appeared that poor Priscilla had not so literally fallen out of the

clouds, as ere at first inclined to suppose A letter, which

should have introduced her, had since been received fro a certificate of character and an

allusion to circument, made it

especially desirable that she should find shelter in our Co either that Priscilla

had recently escaped from some particular peril or irksomeness of

position, or else that she was still liable to this danger or

difficulty, whatever it ht be We should ill have deserved the

reputation of a benevolent fraternity, had we hesitated to entertain a

petitioner in such need, and so strongly recommended to our kindness;

not to e ood service with her needle But a

slight mist of uncertainty still floated about Priscilla, and kept her,

as yet, fro creatures of flesh and


The mysterious attraction, which, from her first entrance on our scene,

she evinced for Zenobia, had lost nothing of its force I often heard