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The horn sounded at daybreak, as Silas Foster had forewarned us, harsh,

uproarious, inexorably drawn out, and as sleep-dispelling as if this

hard-hearted old yeoot hold of the tru of the bedsteads, as the

brethren of Blithedale started from slumber, and thrust themselves into

their habiliin the

reformation of the world Zenobia put her head into the entry, and

besought Silas Foster to cease his clah to

leave an armful of firewood and a pail of water at her chamber door

Of the whole household,--unless, indeed, it were Priscilla, for whose

habits, in this particular, I cannot vouch,--of all our apostolic

society, whose sworth, I

apprehend, was the only one who began the enterprise with prayer

My sleeping-roo but thinly partitioned from his, the sole me to be an auditor of

his awful privacy with the Creator It affected sworth, which no farew more intimate between us,--no, nor reat errors,--ever quite effaced It is so rare,

in these times, to meet with a man of prayerful habits (except, of

course, in the pulpit), that such an one is decidedly uration, shed upon him in the divine interview from

which he passes into his daily life