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"Pray let me have it now," said I; "it shall be woven into the ballad"

"She is neither more nor less," answered Zenobia, "than a seamstress

from the city; and she has probably no more transcendental purpose than

to do , for I suppose she will hardly expect to

make my dresses"

"How can you decide upon her so easily?" I inquired

"Oh, oe one another by tokens that escape the obtuseness of

masculine perceptions!" said Zenobia "There is no proof which you

would be likely to appreciate, except the needle er Then, my supposition perfectly accounts for her

paleness, her nervousness, and her wretched fragility Poor thing! She

has been stifled with the heat of a salamander stove, in a shnuts, raisins, candy, and

all such trash, till she is scarcely half alive; and so, as she has

hardly any physique, a poet like Mr Miles Coverdale may be allowed to

think her spiritual"

"Look at her nohispered I

Priscilla was gazing towards us with an inexpressible sorrow in her wan

face and great tears running down her cheeks It was difficult to

resist the impression that, cautiously as we had lowered our voices,

she must have overheard and been wounded by Zenobia's scornful estiirl must have!" whispered Zenobia, with a look of