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Therefore, if we built splendid castles (phalansteries perhaps they

ht bethe

fervid coals of the hearth around which ere clustering, and if all

went to rack with the cru embers and have never since arisen out

of the ashes, let us take to ourselves no shame In my own behalf, I

rejoice that I could once think better of the world's improvability

than it deserved It is a mistake into which men seldoher is the nature that can thus

led little in our conversation; but when he did

speak, it was very much to so you," quoth he, "is the best judge of

swine? Sohton fair, and buy half a

dozen pigs"

Pigs! Good heavens! had we coain, in reference to soetables for the ," said Silas Foster, "unless the wo We haven't tea three of your city folks as worth one

coet up a

little too early in the ardeners

round Boston"

It struck me as rather odd, that one of the first questions raised,

after our separation fro world,

should relate to the possibility of getting the advantage over the