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There was little chance in those days at Lucerne for me to be

alone with papa The opportunities we had we both enjoyed

highly Now and then mamma would be late for breakfast, or

even take hers in bed; once in a while go out to a visit froether and had a

good time One of these chances occurred a few days after the

news ca, and papa had been watching me a little while in


"Daisy," he began, "a? It seems to me that you do not

look upon matters at home with just the eye that the rest of

us have for the


"You do not like the war"

"Papa, - do you?"

"Yes I think our countryht, and of course I wish

that they should have their rights"

"Papa," said I, "don't you think it

reasons that can justify so dreadful a thing as a war?"

"Undoubtedly; but the preservation of liberty is one of the

strongest that can be conceived"