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Tell Jervis I am sorry he is not with us to drive a nail for the camp
Here comes the Hon Cy up the path Heaven save us!
Ever your unfortunate,
May 8
Dear Judy:
Our caone, and our
twenty-four boys have passed two healthful nights in the open The three
bark-covered shacks add a pleasant rustic touch to the grounds They are
like those we used to have in the Adirondacks, closed on three sides
and open in the front, and one larger than the rest to allow a private
pavilion for Mr Percy Witherspoon An adjacent hut, less exposed to the
weather, affords extre of a
faucet in the wall and three watering-cans Each camp has a bath master
who stands on a stool and sprinkles each little shiverer as he trots
under Since our trustees WON'T give us enough bathtubs, we have to use
our wits
The three caanized into three tribes of Indians, each with
a chief of its own to answer for its conduct, Mr Witherspoon high chief
of all, and Dr MacRae thewith appropriate tribal cereh they