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It's up wi' the bonnets o' McBride and MacRae!
I anantly yours, SALLIE
Dear Dr MacRae:
I a this note by Sadie Kate, as it seems impossible to reach
you by telephone Is the person who calls herself Mrs McGur-rk and
hangs up in the middle of a sentence your housekeeper? If she answers
the telephone often, I don't see how your patients have any patience
As you did not coreement, and the painters did
come, I was fain to choose a cheerful corn color to be placed upon the
walls of your new laboratory rooienic
about corn color
Also, if you can spare a moment this afternoon, kindly motor yourself
to Dr Brice's on Water Street and look at the dentist's chair and
appurtenances which are to be had at half-price If all of the pleasant
paraphernalia of his profession were here,--in a corner of your
laboratory,--Dr Brice could finish his 111 new patients with much more
despatch than if we had to transport them separately to Water Street