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Monsieur was right 'And never without a dog The dog is very i was very i As one of the dogs celebrated everywhere,

Ma'amselle would observe Ma'ah she were not yet

well accustoue Mrs General, however, observed it

for her 'Ask hilish, the

young man who had been put out of countenance

The host needed no translation of the question He promptly replied in

French, 'No Not this one' 'Why not?' the saive him the opportunity and

he will do it without doubt For exa

sedately, as he cut up the dish of veal to be handed round, on the young

man who had been put out of countenance, 'that if you, Monsieur, would

give hireat ardour to fulfil

his duty' The artist traveller laughed The insinuating traveller (who evinced

a provident anxiety to get his full share of the supper), wiping some

drops of wine from his moustache with a piece of bread, joined the

conversation 'It is beco late in the year, my Father,' said he, 'for

tourist-travellers, is it not?' 'Yes, it is late Yet two or three weeks, at most, and we shall be left