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Page 362 (1/2)

'For goodness sake let

her hands to her ears and o off dead and screa only this ood and yet so

poor and now a fortune is she really and deserves it too! and ht I

mention it to Mr F's Aunt Arthur not Doyce and Clennam for this once or

if objectionable not on any account'

Arthur nodded his free permission, since Flora shut out all verbal

communication Flora nodded in return to thank him, and hurried out of

the room Little Dorrit's step was already on the stairs, and in another moment

she was at the door Do what he could to compose his face, he could not

convey so much of an ordinary expression into it, but that the moment

she saw it she dropped her work, and cried, 'Mr Clenna That is, no , but it is a piece of great good-fortune'


'Wonderful fortune!' They stood in a , and her eyes, full of light, were fixed upon his