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Captain Martin (highly respected in the arly said that it appeared to him that his--he ht lead him on--I am doubtful whether "lead him on" was Captain
Martin's exact expression: indeed I think he said tolerate him--on her
father's--I should say, brother's--account I hardly kno I have
strayed into this story I suppose it has been through being unable to
account for Chivery; but as to the connection between the two, I don't
see--' His voice died away, as if she could not bear the pain of hearing hiradually crept to his lips For a little while there
was a dead silence and stillness; and he remained shrunk in his chair,
and she remained with her arm round his neck and her head bowed down
upon his shoulder
His supper was cooking in a saucepan on the fire, and, when she moved,
it was to make it ready for him on the table He took his usual seat,
she took hers, and he began his meal They did not, as yet, look at one
another By little and little he began; laying down his knife and fork
with a noise, taking things up sharply, biting at his bread as if he
were offended with it, and in other sith he pushed his plate froest inconsistency
'What does it matter whether I eat or starve? What does it hted life as mine comes to an end, now, next week, or