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'Ecod, sir, he was Pitching into our people the other day in the most

tremendous manner Went up to our place and Pitched into my father to

that extent that it was necessary to order him out Came back to

our Department, and Pitched into me Look here You never saw such a

fellow' 'What did he want?'

'Ecod, sir,' returned Young Barnacle, 'he said he wanted to know, you

know! Pervaded our Department--without an appointnant wonder hich Young Barnacle accompanied

this disclosure, would have strained his eyes injuriously but for

the opportune relief of dinner Mr Meagles (who had been extreed hi-rooles looked as gratified as if his whole family were there

All the natural charone The eaters of the

dinner, like the dinner itself, were lukewar to this poor little dull Young Barnacle Conversationless at

any time, he was now the victim of a weakness special to the occasion,

and solely referable to Clenna and continual

necessity of looking at that gentleet into his soup, into his wine-glass, into Mrs Meagles's plate, to

hang down his back like a bell-rope, and be several tiy men Weakened in mind by his

frequent losses of this instrument, and its determination not to stick

in his eye, and more and more enfeebled in intellect every time he

looked at the mysterious Clennan matters connected with the furniture of the