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'I have not had so pleasant a greeting,' said Clennam--then he recalled

what Little Dorrit had said to him in his own room, and faithfully

added 'except once--since we last walked to and fro, looking down at the

Mediterranean' 'Ah!' returned Mr Meagles 'So like a look out, that asn't

it? I don't want aand hbourhood

soium on the retired character of his retreat with a

dubious shake of the head, Mr Meagles led the way into the house It was

just large enough, and no more; was as pretty within as it ithout,

and was perfectly well-arranged and coratory habits of the family were to be observed

in the covered fras; but it was

easy to see that it was one of Mr Meagles's whie

always kept, in their absence, as if they were always co back the

day after to-morrow Of articles collected on his various expeditions,

there was such a vastof an

amiable Corsair

There were antiquities from Central Italy, made by the