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Page 90 (1/2)

She was about eight-and-twenty, with large bones, large features, large

feet and hands, large eyes and no hair Her large eyes were limpid and


and to stand unnaturally still There was also that attentive listening

expression in her face, which is seen in the faces of the blind; but she

was not blind, having one tolerably serviceable eye Her face was not

exceedingly ugly, though it was only redeeood-humoured smile, and pleasant in itself, but rendered pitiable

by being constantly there A great white cap, with a quantity of

opaque frilling that was always flapping about, apologised for Maggy's

baldness, and made it so very difficult for her old black bonnet to

retain its place upon her head, that it held on round her neck like a

gipsy's baby

A commission of haberdashers could alone have reported

what the rest of her poor dress was eneral

reseantic tea-leaf Her

shawl looked particularly like a tea-leaf after long infusion

Arthur Clenna, 'May I ask who this is?' Little Dorrit, whose hand this Maggy,