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At eleven I received a telephone call from the Continental Hotel It

was a wonized it I

was requested to come at once to the hotel I should find her in the

ladies' salon I walked the distance in ten minutes She told me all

that had happened

"By this time it is all over the city But it is all nonsense about

her Highness' eloping with any one She is too nobly born to commit

such a folly She has siht The duke is in a terrible temper I could not remain

in the palace, for the duke suspects that I knohere she has gone I

haveYou were the

only English-speaking person to wholad"

"Will it be asking too ht? There is a train at one o'clock for Dresden"

"Leave Barscheit?" My heart sank disland is even sravely

She laughed "I shall be in England for soer for er


"Yes I shall go home as often as possible now I always stop a few

days in London"