Page 21 (1/2)

"In what hness?" I asked

pleasantly, laying aside ive

you entleman not to report your presence here;

but if I am forced to remain, I certainly demand--"

"Desire," she corrected, the old fire in her eyes

"Thank you I desire, then, to know the full reason; for I can not be

a party to anything which may reflect upon the consulate For myself,

I do not care" What hare-brained escapade was now in the air?

The princess walked over to thewide-eyed into the fire Several minutes passed I waited

patiently; but, to tell the truth, I was on fire with curiosity At

length my patience was rewarded

"You have heard that I aan

I nodded

"Doubtless you have also heard of ain I nodded

"Well, I a to h, but dared not What had all

this to do with my detention in the castle?