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Iexcitedly Cathy and August were laughing together Alexander was laughing with Kevin My father and Mr

Randall seereat joke

Robbie was ho


For the ten days prior to the Midsuhbors heard of Robbie's return, everyone wanted to greet hi after supper, into the nights, there were ga Children raced about the lae played pall h We ate and drank from the time oke until ent to bed Cathy's nausea passed; her cheeks filled and her ever-present beauty was again enhanced by the child in her wo father, and carried Ja on the porch with the boy sleeping in his lap, taking hi him rice and clabber from a spoon James was fat and happy, his blue eyes ever alert, his little legs running short steps before he fell dohen John would lift him up and kiss his hurts My heart was filled with happiness for hi with him I pushed out of my mind, and turned to pleasant diversions, which were plentiful

Robbie had not spoken to aether I was so happy that he was ho more I fervently thanked God that he hole and well, and reminded myself over and over that even to have hireat blessing Cathy's bedrooirls, and the room next to it; no one seeust and I chatted in bed long into the night, and so after luncheon had been served

On the day before the ball I woke earlier than usual, and was in the garden before the sun was high, gathering flowers for Cathy to arrange I hu roses and lilies and putting theirl carried forvery pleased that the weather was to be reeable for the party, when Robbie appeared beforeme to start and let out a shriek