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"Today is Robbie's birthday," said Cathy oneour work baskets "He is twenty-two"

I said, "Can it be June seventh, already?"

"Yes, and I thought he would be here at Brianag by now!" she said, settling into a chair "Really, he should be more considerate His presence would be most welcome, even if he is not able to help with the work"

I was surprised by the petulance in her voice, and looked at her "Cathy, dear," I said, "do you feel ill?"

"I do feel ill," she said, "and I a us as he has done, even though he has been ill! Did he not say in his letter that he would be ho? Is it not now nearly lected you in this fashion, it is unconscionable, truly! He has not behaved as a husband should!"


"Oh, I know that I as!" she said, and tears flowed down her cheeks "I do not know Robbie's heart, but I do know ot torief My own throat swelled, but I did not weep She reached up and took ive ine how lonely you must be"

I did not speak, but kissed her and returned tomyself to tell her that I felt sure that Robbie had truly put , and would perhaps even divorceback to Gillean after Midsu hts Robbie had said he would co, in his letter Surely, he would tell me if he intended to divorce me; surely he would tell the Randalls I knew that I was holding onto false hope; yet I could not yet it give up

We took a picnic down to the river and went out in the boats; even Cathy was persuaded to leave Jaust and Kevin and Cathy and I caught fish and laughed and drank chane, as we had done so many times before, and I remembered in particular the last ti Robbie and Sean, had coret for our childhood, and I knew that Cathy and August were thinking of it, too