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Mrs Randall reluctantly released Ja face onceto theer see them

Mrs Randall went upstairs to rest; I went into the e The weather was chilly and wet; I could not go for a walk or a ride; I could not play the pianoforte or I would disturb Mrs Randall I wandered up the stairs to the deserted sewing room and then into the bedrooown, I restrained her "I do not wish to lie down," I said; "leave me, Rabbit"

I took a book and sat on the chaise At last the days of celebration began to tell uponin the drive I went to the ; there were at least six, and I did not recognize any of theh the bedroo on the door Polo shuffled toward it I waited, looking down

"Is Mr Randall at houe pronounced; and I recognized it at once It was Charles McDonald

I hurried down the stairs

"Mr McDonald!" I said "How do you do, sir! Happy Christmas! How have you come to be here? Is all well? Is the clan well?"

"Jessamine!" he took my hand "It is you that I seek, lass"

"I? Why, sir, do co room and let us offer you refreshuests, Mr Charles McDonald from the Wateree, and company"

"Master not at home, Miss Jessie"

"Then please tell Mrs Randall, Polo" I turned to Charles again "Please, do come in"

With Charles were Bobby and Sean and Charlie, Colin and Roddy They all followedroom and I sat down They stood somewhat aardly; but for Charles who came to sit beside h"

I looked at him "Oh, dear! I am sorry to hear it! Is everyone well? Are all safe?"

"We have lost two of ours," he said; "we buried theo"

My breath left me "Oh, Charles, no!" I didn't want to ask but I had to: "Who, Charles?"