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And what of your son indown my cheeks and I brushed them aithto take me-an untouched hter of your neighbor! And also willing to take arden!

And all while you were rutting with a heathen whore!" My voice rose to a screae nearly crackedain, or I shall beat you," he said through his teeth "She is no -unlike you, ling to suppress ht heaviness infor me to speak for hiain

"Robbie Stewart," I said, "I am your wife and you have sworn to keep yourself for me only until one of us is dead Do you intend to keep your vow?"

His eyes looked at me steadily "Yes, of course I do, before God," he said

"My son will share nothing with any of your bastards, be they Indian, Negro or white Do you understand me?"

When he did not speak I continued, "My son will be the lord of Brianag He will have reat under his stewardship You s of Scotland! You are the son of a Scot and the father of a Scot! You have a great burden to carry! I am not a Creek woman! I cannot do it all alone!" I sank into a chair and broke into sobs, covering my face with my hands

For a , then: "Ach, lass, you shall not be alone," he said; "I will take care of you and the bairn" Then he turned and went down the steps and away froI felt I could not bear it Robbie was not e, he had married me because I had forced hi to do, and not because he loved only rew into wails Hoas I to endure my misery?