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I curtsied "Very well indeed, sir," I said, "thank you"

"You seem to have recovered fro and healthy?"

"She is indeed, sir She has played in the fields and woods all her life; she is an excellent horsewo like a bird!" said Robbie

I felt

"We shall see hoell she rides, then, e hunt," said Hamish "We McDonalds have the best stable in the district"

I sat beside Robbie at the table, and though there were fewer people than the day before, the long table was crowded; a second table, just as long, was unused I said not a word, and no one spoke tothe men; Hamish, Charles, their sons Jahters-in-law, and the grand I just listened

"We shall cut logs during the winter, to begin your house in the spring," Ha to Robbie

"Thank you, sir; you are most kind," said Robbie

"Not at all, boy; you are my nephew after all; never mind your lowcountry inheritance! After all, it may be decades before you are needed there Meanwhile, you are welcome here! You are a Scot, after all-ould you want to live alish?

Now that you have taken a wife, and a Scots wife!-it is ti to and fro Raise your sons here, to be true Scots! Perhaps the Englishe-and in any case, he has his English son-in-law to help hi, my hands clenched in my lap, my eyes fixed on h wild people for decades?

Never! I would not! I could not! Two years was to be the length of ht of course, Uncle," said Robbie, "though Jessie ish to return to the lowcountry when the weather cools in the fall To have our own house here for the su indeed"

My breath returned, my heartbeats slowed Robbie would not keep me here He would not want to stay in the back country per when the tiht I heard my mother's voice hiss, "Slut! Whore!" and I screaain and awoke,with dread