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It was less frightening than I thought it would be Soon ere above the swaain

The heat increased I wished for a parasol, but had to contentwe caht; it was the same house where Cathy and I had stayed with Madam Fletcher the previous summer on our way to Fort Christopher

Our hostess, Mrs Copeland, welco lady as here last year, with Madam Fletcher, indeed it is!" she exclaiot yourself a bride?"

"Indeed, I have, Mrs Copeland," said Robbie "May I present ain, Miss-ah-Mrs Stewart!" she said

"Mrs Copeland" I curtsied "How kind of you to welco a bath, I'm sure," she said, and I thanked her sincerely

The bath turned out to be but a washtub placed on the bedroom floor; but I was too tired and too dirty to care Rabbit assisted me quite competently; I felt that I would be much happier with her than I had ever been with Lily

Supper was peas and cornbread and clabber; the food was good, and I ed to eat a few bites When it was done Robbie inforon; I took Rabbit into the room with me and she slept on the floor The bed was very comfortable and I was asleep instantly

It was still dark as night when Robbie shook ain before dawn

It was the same journey that I had made last year with Madaone to Fort Christopher to visit the Johnsons, but with a different conveyance; now I knehat it had been like for the servants, traveling behind in the cart with our baggage I hoped that none of them had been with child at the ti of the wagon was excruciatingly uncomfortable and I did not wish it upon anyone, mistress or servant But I vo on Pete did not stop, and Robbie, riding ahead, did not notice

On the third night of our journey, we again stopped at the same house where we had stayed the suer house with the horde of children, which seeest of the women, as not as old as I, was heavy with child, the infant of last su behind her When she sat down and lifted him up to suckle, there was hardly roo in a rocking chair