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"Not for her daughter," I said "I fear that she has gone mad"

"It would seem so! God help me, Jessie, I should have known that she would ill-treat you! I should have seen it co!"

"Kevin does not know of the bairn in me," I said "He does not know of our love"

He looked taken aback "You have not told him?"

"No I have told no one Only my mother and father know my condition" My body suddenly ran with shivers as I remembered "They, and the servants"

I shuddered, and nausea swept me

He started to speak, then closed his mouth His hand cupped my cheek; he leaned forward and kissed my forehead

"They shall not take you away, lass You shall never go back to Gillean You are safe here"

Tears welled in ratitude swelled in my breast "Yes, Robbie Yes

Thank you"

The rest of the day Robbie was in and out of the room; between my naps he sat near me Each time I woke it was harder to move; the injuries had stiffened my body and I felt weak and heavy Rabbit fed me broth from a spoon as I sat propped on pillows Finally I woke, late in the afternoon, lass of wine toover ed my face I opened htly I closed ain

"What shall I do?" I heard him say

Much later I woke to hear Mr and Mrs Randall's voices and Robbie's in the foyer I stirred, and tried to rise up; but Rabbit's cool hand on ently

"Sleep now, Miss Jessie," she said "Mr Robbie say you sleep The master and missus will see you tomorrow"

I relaxed under her touch, and slept once , I was alone; but soon Rabbit entered with the water pitcher I did my best to be quiet as she bathed and dressed my wounds; but I could not stop the moans that escaped me Finally she was finished and I lay back on the pillows She put her hand beneath lass of whisky to my lips "Master Robbie sent this for you," she said, and I drank