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Thewore on; it was almost dinner time I heard my father enter the house, heard his feet ain A short while later the dinner gong sounded, and I heard hi room, then heard his voice call to my mother

I heard her steps, heard her bedroom door open "I am here, Mr Maclaine," she said

"What is the matter, madam? Is Jessamine worse? Is it the fever?"

"You hter now," she said I stood up fro myself for the confrontation to come I heardtoward htened h

My mother entered first, and my father followed closely, his face anxious When he sawin my shift he seemed startled, then embarrassed; he turned his back

My hter, sir; she carries a bastard inside her!"

she said

He turned back toward me, his face blank "Madam, what do you mean?" he said loudly "Jessie, what is your mother on about?" He stepped closer to ht was full upon ed to surprise

"What has happened? Jessa of this?"

I said, "See what your wife has done!" and turnedthe linen off my shoulder

I heard my father's swift intake of breath I slowly pulled my shift back and looked at him "I am with child, Papa," I said

The sudden pain in his eyes shocked me; I stepped back froht to my heart My eyes filled with tears

"Can it be so?" he said in a low voice "Who has done this, Jessie? Who has taken advantage of you?"

"I cannot tell, Papa I cannot" I felt the beginning of relief; hts came quickly

"Why can you not?" he said

"I a

"Who is it?" ed away froro!" I screamed "Papa, please, do not strike ain "By God, I will kill him!"