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"Lawd, you are a wanton!" he said

"For you only," I said

"You must return to the house; your own "I suppose I ate and looked around before letting h "Go inside and to bed," he said "I shall see you soon"

I went through the gate and he shut it behind me I went alone across the lawn and into the house, and up the stairs August was already sleeping I woke Lily to help ust, careful not to wake her

My heart was singing with happiness Robbie was here, and he was mine


After Midsummer the heat increased It was too hot to ride in the afternoons; back hoed to stay inside with my mother and do needlework I scarcely saw Kevin or Robbie; though they were often at Gillean, they did not linger I knew that they rode away in the evenings and returned in the hour before dawn; sleeping lightly, I would hear the I would not see theain

My h I wished to do so, I could not avoid her

She deht quickly; I had forgotten it, but I told her that it had come while I was at Shannon's Loch, and she seemed mollified Later, I searched my mind as I rested in my room

I had lain with Robbie first on the last day of April I had had no blood since then It was now the last week of June

My heart began to race, and a thrill rose in me Perhaps, oh, perhapsbut I could not re had been Surely it had been etherI did not know exactly the method by which one determined when a child was expectedperhaps even now Robbie's child was growing in me

If it were so, then Robbie would marry me quickly He could not refuse

I fell to my knees beside my bed "Our Father, which art in Heaven," I said fervently, then abandoned the prayer, whispering, "Oh, God, please, let his child be inside me! Please, let it be!"

I must speak with Robbie immediately, I must tell him

But suppose I was mistaken?

I would wait another week If my blood had not returned by then, I would speak to him