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That month of June, usuallythe most miserable of hbors were invited Robbie did not coed to dance with Alexander and Barry, and several other men I had never met; I forced myself to be pleasant We traveled to Shannon's Loch for supper, to Brianag for a picnic; without Robbie and Cathy and Sean, I found it difficult to pretend to be happy

"Isn't it strange how our lives are altered," said August, as we strolled ar "How sad that we ust had a way of speaking as on one's mind at the most opportune moments; yet she herself seemed unaffected by sentiment, even as she spoke of sadness

Her constant serenity almost drove me mad at times

"How can you re! I miss Sean, and Cathy, and Robbie! Oh, hoe were children again!"

"Dear Jessie," she said "Wishing changes nothing We must take each day as it coesture that enco "All of this does not change People o, but the land will alait for us"

I would not be coo, nor Sean," I said "I wish I could turn back time! Oh, I wish Robbie was here!"

"Oh, Jessie, dear! For how long will you nurture this unfortunate passion? Can you not look elsewhere to give your heart?"

"Where else? To ould you have ust! Would you have o far away from my home?

There is no other in all of the colony who could draw me away from him! I love hi at the edge of the swamp The sun was pleasantly hot; a breeze caust put her hand overout across the water into the trees, as my tears spilled down my cheeks After a moment she took her handkerchief from her pocket and offered it to me I took out my own, and wiped my face