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I could feel him look at me in the darkness "I have had hed "I do not mean whores," I said, "or other ive her life for you"

"You mean yourself, of course," he said with a note of derision, the note that I had heard from him all my life, when I annoyed him

"We have known each other our whole lives," I said

"Your whole life," he said

"My whole life," I continued "We know each other We share the saether as man and wife"

"You are a bairn," he said "Everyone has always given you what you wanted, if only to keep you quiet"

My desire for hier that rose inforward, I found his mouth with mine I could smell the whisky he had drunk with Kevin The sweetness of his lips iveyou?"

With a strangled sound escaping his throat, he reached for me in the darkness I felt the heat of his hands on htdress; his breath was ragged as he took round He did not speak again but kissed me over and over,overthe linen offthe tips ofI held onto hi in the heat that radiated fro the linen up; I pushed myself up onto ether He rolled it up and placed it under ently back down

When he tookwhat Cathy had told ht and lasted but a entle pressure and then his slow thrust He whispered, "Sweet Jesus," and we began to ether, and then I heard hihed with triumph and release