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My breath went out of my body The momentary silence that followed see to hear what my father's ansould be

He took a bite of his food and looked thoughtful "I believe we shall," he said "We can spare the afternoon to visit What say you, s to do here at Gillean-"

"You may stay here at Gillean if you wish The lass will co hard to stifle the cry of joy that would have erupted frolance toward , her lips pressed into a tight line I pushed aside a quiver of dread and looked at ray eyes twinkled at aze, the thrill rising into ain I would see Robbie today


After breakfast, Kevin and Papa left the house, and I was alone withroo today," she told me

I clencheda rug My ood forforced to do work that I hated; perhaps she believed it would teach me self-discipline

"Yes, Mama," I said

She sat on a sofa; I went to sit on the stool behind the fra The wools, dyed in jewel colors, lay in a basket next to the frah time you were married, Jessamine," she said tomen in our own district whom she attempted to push e as Kevin, a near neighbor and the heir to a sugar plantation in the West Indies I knew that my father had spoken to his and that our parents had atteo; but neither of us had found anything about the other to be ah, to be sure, and kind; but in my eyes, no one would ever measure up to Robbie