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Steve sed two lesbians, fuckdude in America"

"Remember… I'll beat you senseless"

"You're God!" he continued

"With a stick," I reiterated

Steve never said a word He kept silent Recently I've wondered how long he could have kept my secret As events played out - I betrayed myself

When Shannie and Genise returned I ordered another bottle of wine The conversation resumed its earlier pitch We seemed like two happy couples Unknown to us, so its hand

"You're into photography, right Genise?" Steve questioned

"Sure aot your camera on you?"

"Sure don't," Genise answered

"Da you could take a picture for me" Steve put his arina, I'd ask him to marry me I wanted a picture of ina stop you?" Shannie questioned

"If I had a vagina I'd still hate your guts" I shoved Steve "If I had a vagina I'd ask Shannie to marry me" I wrapped an arm around her