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I spent the afternoonat Shannie's tenacity; I'd rather roll over I didn't get Shannie's obsession The harder I tried to understand the worse I felt I understood that she wanted to find out what happened, but once she did what good would it accomplish The effort wasn't worth it Why am I here? I asked myself as wave after wave of soldiers

"There they are," Shannie nudged my side

"Who?" I asked

"The 101st you asshole"

"Oh," I said

Grabbing my hand, Shannie orderedcolued helirlfriends "I'ade"

"Can't say that I knohere there at," A tall soldier with a deep southern voice said "Don't even know if they have anyone here"

"How about 2nd Brigade? Do you knoere they are?"

"Can't say that I do They gots ta be soots ta know"

"You guys wouldn't happen to know anything about a Leroy Lightman?" Shannie persisted

"Should we?" asked a shorter soldier