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Speaking of Tapline road, it's like theit's a two-lane road, kinda like 724, except erous I shit you not Fanbelts don't kno drive They're lunatics! Get a load of this, if a driver co towards you and decides he (and it's always a he Ortolan, it's one of the things the Arabs have right, woht of way in your lane No wonder the fan belts are so fatalistic They are always going around saying Inshallah - God willing I guess they figure if God wants the a tank it's perfectly all right with theovernious Nazis Whatever you've been hearing on talk radio is full of shit Far as I know, nobody around here's been hassled about crucifixes or Stars of David Religious Services are held openly Our rations still have haiven us any shit about Aues You know if they were, I'd be bitching up a stor lose Enjoy the fall; you don't kno lucky you are What I wouldn't do to see another frost


Shannie, October 31st, 1990

Jesus Christ, I turned in tonight and before falling asleep realized its Halloween It's funny that I al about the night we borrowed the corpse from Lucas's It's funny now, but back then it was serious business I never admitted it, I was scared shitless after old ht for sure we bought it I know Morrison felt the saured out he was bullshitting us But, I never could figure you out I think Morrison is the only one who can That reet back, we have to have a talk about you two

Anyway, it's late, reveille is early I'h it'll probably be closer to Thanksgiving when you get this So happy Thanksgiving to


Shannie, Nove This place has more rumors than dunes, and you have to be here to understand that state hoton is chewing on a rotation policy If they approve it, we're stateside! Sentiet your hopes up I'll believe it when I see it In this case, it's safer to be the pessi a lot of folks are reacting to the arrival of VII Corps If you watch CNN like you say you do, you knew they were co You can't help but noticed the increased traffic on Tapline Road A joke has it that they brought so many tanks that the Arabian peninsula will break off and sink into the Gulf A buddy of ade toldVII Corps is here to join us not to relieve us You knohat that h Kuwait As far as I' as it gets me there