Page 19 (1/1)

"Who's Duke Nuke 'e, dumb ass," Count hovered over me He poked my chest to emphasize his point "Believe me when I say he ain't a happy camper Especially if you wake him from his siesta"

"Mum's the word," I whispered

"Good," Count pattedfrom me "Listen up, when you climb over the top be careful Cut your hand on a barb, you'll bleed like a pig Duke Nuke 'em's like a shark He can smell blood a mile away Don't rush Understand?"

"Don't rush," I repeated

"Whatever happens don't panic And remember, keep your Gotdaood mood"

"You sure you done this before?" I looked at Shannie for reassurance

"Of course knuckle head," Shannie smiled

"What about the steak?" I asked

"We'll worry about that," Count nodded at Shannie "Keep a clear head and re happens - we don't know you If you rat us out you'll be wearing an arm as a tail Just keep your trap shut"

The blood drained froht behind ya"

"It's a piece of cake Ja for the leaves to change? Get your ass over that fence!" Count barked

I scrah how enjoyable it would be to watch Count's fat ass struggle I round Shannie and Count were gone - and they took the steak with theo?" I yelled My voice bounced off the hill and rained over the junkyard Duke's dark baritone drowned my echoes I froze "This ain't funny, you bastards! " I yelled "Paybacks are a bitch!"

I was launched forward, landing on my hands and knees I looked up Count hovered over et in?"

Shannie laughed "Through the hole in the fence"

Duke Nuke 'e, I told you to keep your trap shut"

"Let's get out of here," I said

"We can't, Duke Nuke 'em will chase us," Shannie said

"Get in one of the cars," Count ordered I hesitated "Run!" he yelled I ran for a rusted old pickup I jumped inside the cab The Rottweiler barreled around a corner It stopped Standing its ground it snarled and barked at o buddy" The dog sat It drooled eyeing the meat Count held out the steak Duke Nuke 'em ripped it from Count's hand