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The side bedrooreat for stashing pirated Playboys It jutted out froabled roof

After unpacking, Dad and I picked up a pizza "Why the change of heart?" he asked "I don't know," Ithattoo "

"Oh really? It wouldn't have anything to do with your visitor?"

"No Way," I said "It's just that I was thinking about the boneyard and everything - I think I watched too many horror movies Like Granddad said, it's the live ones you have to worry about"

"Exactly," Dad said

When we got ho across country wasn't enough excite to have a little brother or sister," my mother said

I al off reat," I lied

"It'll be here just in tioes my Nintendo," I said

"JAMES, I don't believe you," she screeched

"I know you don't, nobody does, ould you now?" I licked the grease fro ers Any norhted to have a little brother or sister"

"May I be excused?" I interrupted "Don't interrupt your mother!," my father barked

"All you ever think about is James, James, James! It's all about James! Nobody else matters!"

"I didn't ask for another baby"

"Joe, you've created a monster!" Her face turned red as blood

"I've created a er at me?"

"You Son of a Bitch," my mother started Without a word I took another slice of pizza and slipped into the relative quite of my bedroo Inside was a wooden cross "In case we're wrong about the ce the cross against my chest I flopped onto the bed I already missed him I closedwaned I looked into the night Light frohthouse