Page 58 (1/1)

"Walter, I killed another hu, not on the battlefield either, I bashed his skull in with eant with your weapon?"

"No, sir"

"You had a bayonet, why didn't you stab Sergeant Fassbender in the back?"

"It's wrong; that's why I didn't eant so hard; I just wanted toMadary enough that you wanted to kill the sergeant?"

Roy frowned "Absolutely not, sir!"

"Why not Roy, he drew his weapon on you and pulled the trigger firing a shot at your head?"

A puzzled expression appeared on Roy's face "Because sir, I know the difference I had no intention to hurt the sergeant; I only wanted to prevent any further abuse What he was doing rong, for eneral s Walter? Did I say soeneral slid his chair back to the wall Moving toward the door, he stepped just outside the cell "Do you rereement soldier?"

Roy snapped to attention and saluted "Yes, General, sir"

Returning the salute, the general stepped back into the cell and stood face to face with Roy Al, he leaned in close "I'm not supposed to discuss this trial with you, but as far as I'm concerned, you acted in self-defense for both you and Madaht "Of course, you and I never had this conversation; isn't that right soldier?"

"What conversation, General"

The general turned to leave and again stopped just outside the cell "Enjoy your breakfast, Mr Folso Mr and Mrs Dubois to visit you again Keep it simple and brief"

Roy smiled for the first time in days "Thank you, sir"

"I'll see you in court soldier and look sharp"

Roy dropped to the bed and let the weight of the world slide off his shoulders After finishing breakfast, Roy was surprised he ate everything they brought hiuards re Mr and Mrs Dubois his bed to sit on, Roy provided the single chair to the translator Standing, Roy listened while Mr Dubois spoke first

"Monsieur Folsom, Monsieur Dubois, would like to thank you with a full heart You are a hero, and he will never forget your kindness and the respect you've shown to his wife, Madame Dubois"

Michelle interrupted and added her comments