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Then Jo chose the worst possible shot for , and most aard picture that anyone had ever taken ofthis out to her, but she refused to reconsider her choice She reminded me that our photos needed to tell a story, and this one said all sorts of things about uess she was right

But back then, I didn't protest the picture selection because it didn't really le picture of ht could win this contest I was not supposed to be the winner Someone else was

The excitement finally died down, so Chuck went on "And for all you other girls who didn't win, I'ed and tried to sink deeper into my chair as the screen filled withfrom my mouth in a fine ht have been a decent shot A wisp of black hair swept across hter was so infectious that the reporters joined right in But I was no beauty, so I couldn't understand how I got picked

Palmer hadn't seen this picture, and he wasn't very happy to see it now "You look like a drunk whore" Wow, thanks for taking it to the next level I get that I was drunk, but couldn't he have stopped there? As if I needed ain, which saved irl ant on tour with us I bet she could drink us under the table" The reporters laughed harder, which didn't seem to help Palmer's mood at all

Kira scowled at the television "I can drink, too, Chuck!" Right noished she had won

My new buddy, Chuck, took me aside for a moirl You'll be getting a call soon froet in touch with us and we'll get you on the bus"

Chuck's voice returned to normal "And for everyone else, coet tickets online"

Finally, Chuck gave everyone his famous exit line "Bye for now And re delivery and roared it into the !" He raised his arn, the backs of his hands to the caht up like licks of fire