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Mr Van de Werve walked by his daughter's side; the old Deodati was near

his beloved nephew Geronie number of her father's near relatives and friends, as well as uese, and Spaniards, ished to escort Geronimo to the


When Mary heard the benedictions and joyous shouts of the people, and saw

all eyes fixed upon her with looks of love, the blood mantled to her

cheeks, and shethem,

she saluted the crowd as a ratitude for their kindness The

e for the

party, and they proceeded to the Scheldt a the

love and respect they inspired Their drive resembled a triumphal

procession The old Deodati was deeply moved He seemed rejuvenated A

sweet smile was upon his lips, and he looked proudly upon Geroniht of their future happiness, they reached the dock-yard

In the s and

rocking upon the waves as if conscious of the precious treasure about to

be confided to it

A part of the sailors were occupied in un sound of the capstan could be heard on the wharf The rest

of the crew manned the : "Benvenuto! benvenuto! Viva, viva la nostra signora!"