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With staggering step and in a blind frenzy, Julio ran down the passage,

caught his dagger between his teeth, put the key in the lock, and turned

the light so that itin the middle of the cellar, and pity filled his soul

as his eye rested on Geronier to complete

the horrible crime; but now, touched anded for help

Geroni to

receive his corpse His face was partly covered with clotted blood; the

portion visible was excessively pale, and his cheeks were so sunken that

those few days of suffering had left only the skin to cover his bones His

eyes, rolling wildly, were sunk in their sockets; his neck, weakened by

the wound, could not support his head, which fell upon his right shoulder

His clothes were blood-stained and covered with dirt It was evident that

in his struggle against death he had dragged himself around the tomb to

try, if possible, to escape it