Page 86 (1/2)

After having accompanied Deodati to his residence, Sie De la Vigne

He was greatly excited, either by extreme anxiety or by a feverish

iround-floor, entered his office,

pretended to be looking for soain, paced the

room, opened the , looked up and down the street, closed the

petulantly, and at last, staa

hi coals, almost overpowered by anxiety

and terror! Julio, Julio, if I escape the fate which now threatens ain he went to the , and again he was disappointed Thoroughly

discouraged, he threw hih, and after

a moment's silence exclaimed in accents of despair: "Alas! alas! is it then true that reat misfortune, who sent the Dominican brother just to the

spot to meet Geronimo, and thus furnished the bailiff with a clue to the

murder? Who put the Jewish banker on his track, so that the constables

ested the idea to the bailiff to search

the cellars? Was it chance? But chance is blind, and does not proceed

with such precision to the fulfilhtful if God

hie, who cannot be deceived,