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"So ether

with Geroniuish and horror I

tottered so that I feared I would fall before coth to finish what I had conard, and hushed his voice forever"

"And is he really dead?"

"Not a drop of blood is left in his veins"

Simon Turchi had recovered from his excessive emotion He arose and said: "I must wash the blood froht betray e and transact some business with

people ill remember to have seen me there at that time Later, I will

call on Mr Van de Werve I must be seen in different places and speak

withthe corpse to the cellar Then

clear away every sign of blood I need not tell you that your life, as

well as mine, depends upon the care hich you perfornor The blow has been struck, and I alect the precautions necessary to escape the gallows, if I can"

"I have acco the corpse, by nor; you o immediately to the city"