Page 42 (1/2)

Two bolts grated in their rusty staples, and the door opened

"Enter, signor," said the woman, "and follow me"

"I do not see you; it is as black as Erebus; where is the staircase?"

cried out the other

"Follow nor Give me your hand; I will precede you"

She seized the hand of the visitor, and whilst guiding hinor Are you afraid?"

"I afraid!" said the other, in a faltering voice "Afraid of what? The

darkness ht your hand was cold and tre Here

is the staircase; now followup the orn

steps, striking his head and elbows against invisible objects, and

gruitated by fear

Having reached the first story, the woman opened a door and introduced her

co flame of an iron lamp She

showed hinor, if you please, and wait a while I will go call

Bufferio, he is engaged at play in the neighborhood Should any one knock