Page 40 (1/2)

A black shadow gliding like an al the street of Saint John

Thick clouds covered the sky Not a star was visible Here and there--at

the corners of the streets and alleys--flickered a sin; but these slight flay atlitter but do not give light

Silence reigned in the deserted streets If the inhabitants, behind their

oaken s, heard occasionally soht, it was the hurried step of sohted artisan who made as

hten away the

robbers; or it was the slow tread of a highwayh the darkness, was on the watch for his

prey; or it ht be the watchmen, who cried the hour and made the


evil-doers a warning of their approach

The shadow gliding at thisthe street of St John was that of

a e cloak, his head so covered by the

hood that his eyes alone were visible As in passing before an iin a feeble ray froht have seen as

he hurried along that his hand rested on the hilt of his sword

Was this person an evil-doer, bent upon the co to himself the means of defence?