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Si tone:
"Suppose, in order to avenge ratitude, I should
make known to the superintendent of Lucca who is the man I have in my
service? Suppose I were to tell him that the real name of Julio Julii is
Pietro Mostajo? Who would be bound hand and foot and sent in the hold of a
ship of war to expiate his crimes upon a scaffold in Italy?"
Julio turned pale and trembled He moved restlessly upon his chair, and
complained in a low voice of the false accusations and injustice of men;
but his master eyed all his movements in a scornful manner, until at last
the servant, disconcerted, exclaimed impulsively: "Tell me what to do; I a will and without
"I ; my decision is
"And suppose that Geronimo Deodati were my enemy?"
"Geronimo Deodati!" exclaimed Julio, in indescribable terror "Geronienerous cavalier who loves you as a
brother? He is as gentle as a girl!"
"He is a false friend, a traitor"
"Geroniave you the wound on your face?[15] He would betray you and
seek your ruin? That is false, false! It is impossible!"
"He is my mortal enemy You shall kill hi voice
"Must I kill the Signor Geronie me?" said Julio, in a plaintive tone
Simon seized his servant by the arm, shook him violently, and whispered
hoarsely in his ear: "Pietro Mostajo, remember the superintendent of