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The servant entered and placed a lighted candle upon the table

"Now, signor," he said, "to what trial do you wish to subject e?

However difficult it th"

"Close the blinds; lower the s," said Turchi; "sit down and listen

attentively to my words I am about to talk to you of an iarded his master with a malicious and incredulous

smile, but he took the seat indicated to him without a word of comment

"Julio," said Simon, "I am dejected and undecided There is a man who

pretends to be my friend, but who has secretly been my bitter enemy He

has always artfully calumniated and deceived me, and injured me in my

fortune and honor; he has pushed his ree that I

will soon be condemned to eternal infaeance, I break through the snares he has laid for my

destruction Be calainst the eneo, that it was this treacherous friend who paid the assassins to inflict

the wound of which I still bear the scar on my face Thus, he first shed

my blood and attempted my life; now he plans my ruin and dishonor Julio,

ould you do in nor; if it could speak, it would tell

you of wonderful exploits"