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Bernardo listened to this recital with an incredulous smile When it was

concluded, he silently shook his head

"Well! what have you to say of this adventure?" asked Julio "Might it not

be narrated in the chronicles as an heroic adventure?"

"Certainly; in your placeI saw this Bufferio, who alive in

the public square"

"Impossible; you are mistaken"

"Perhaps so; but I know the ruffian well, for I have twice seen him in the


"If he is not dead, he will certainly not be able to make his appearance

in the streets for six months to come"

"Of course, you took your money from Bufferio?"

"How could I?"

"Since he lay lifeless at your feet, why did you not recover the money he

had stolen from you?"

The red-haired man was at a loss for an answer; but after awhile he

stale I did not

think of it, and then I had not the ti the