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"I anor," replied the old Deodati,

"for the affectionate interest you have shown in my nephew That my

business affairs have been as well transacted in this country as though I

had been here myself, I am indebted to your experience and wise counsels

I know from Geronirateful for it"

Simon Turchi was about to disclaie drew near, and Mr Van de Werve said: "I hope, signor, that you will honor us with your co We

will pass together a few hours with our noble guest"

Si that some important commercial affairs

deed him to accept the

invitation, he promised to see thee drove out of the gate of the dock-yard

Simon Turchi followed it with his eyes, i wheels was lost in the distance Then he convulsively

crossed his arh the certainty of a

terribletiht; but he was startled fro near hier He stepped aside and looked around hi a way of escape from the wharf and the crowd of worka, and around the wall

enclosing the ce the to an obscure spot, where he was concealed by an angle of the