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For sohter with
ever-increasing pity; then overcorief, he took her
hand, and tenderly pressing it, he said to her: "Cheer up, nor Deodati will return to the
conditions I will propose to him Geronimo is of noble birth; if his uncle
will consent to bestow upon him a suitable fortune, your desires shall be
"But, dear father," said the still weeping girl, "that depends upon the
nitude of your denor
"No, no, have no anxiety," said Mr Van de Werve, interrupting her "I
will endeavor to fulfil my duty as a father, and at the same time to spare
you any future sorrow Are you satisfied now?"
Mary silently eratitude
that Mr Van de Werve was deeply e, experience, prudence, all yield
before one glance of your eye Conceal your e"
A servant opened the door, and announced, "The Signor Geroni nobleman thus introduced was reance of his ht and clear brohich adds so much to the manly beauty of some