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"Pink makes me pale," she said "I'll bet theto see How about a touch for you? You look gastly"
"I don't care how I look," I said, recklessly "I think I'll sprain e"
"Not allowed!" she observed "What has that got to do with it? I don't
understand you, Bab; you are totaly changed"
"I ahtup ed
"I hope you have saved the Cotillion for racious," Jane said breathlessly "Don't tell me he is here, and
that that's from him!"
I had to sice before I could speak Then I said, sole to dance the Cotillion
with hih I shall probably be disinherited and thrown out into
the World, as a result"
I have no recollection whatever of going down the staircase and into the
ballrooh I am considered rather brave, and once saved one of
the s, as I need not re on thin ice, I was frightened I ree!" in a low tence voice, and that I stepped
on so The
shock of that brought ed to find Mrs