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Just as the faint respirations had beco straight into Darrell's eyes with eager
intensity, his face lighted with the winning smile which Darrell had
already learned to love His lips moved; Darrell bent his head still
lower to listen
"Kate,--you will see her," he whispered "Tell her----" but the sentence
was never finished
Deftly and gently as a woman Darrell did the little which remained to be
done for his young friend, closing the eyes in which the love-light
kindled by his dying words still lingered, s within himself at his oonted tenderness
"An awful pity for a bright young life to go out like that!" said a
voice at his side, and, turning, he saw Parkinson
"How did it happen?" the latter inquired, recognizing Darrell for the
first tiave the , however, of his having seen the face of the ht never to have ainst him"
"He was impulsive and acted on the spur of the , in lower tones, "theand
inexperienced a coer"
"You knew of the money, then? Yes, that was bad business for him, poor