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K Mary Roberts Rinehart 7350K 2023-09-01

K was being very dense For so long had he considered Sidney as

unattainable that now his masculine mind, a little weary with much

wretchedness, refused to lamour, that was all, K," said Sidney bravely

"But, perhaps," said K, "it's just because of that ht thing, of course, but Max has told me the

story It was really quite innocent She fainted in the yard, and--"

Sidney was exasperated

"Do you want ht ahead

"I want you to be happy, dear"

They were on the terrace of the White Springs Hotel again K had ordered

dinner,the dishes they both liked But

now that it was there, they were not eating K had placed his chair so

that his profile was turned toward her He had worn the duster religiously

until nightfall, and then had discarded it It hung limp and dejected on

the back of his chair Past K's profile Sidney could see the nolia

tree shaped like a heart