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K Mary Roberts Rinehart 8300K 2023-09-01

He was counting on Mrs McKee's old fondness for the girl to bring theether But, as they neared the house with its lanterns and tables, its

ashed stones outlining the drive, its sht, his heart failed hi, and yet--Mrs McKee had suddenly seen the

naate: "Schwitter's"

"I' in there, Mr Le Moyne"

"Tillie's not in the house She's back in the barn"

"In the barn!"

"She didn't approve of all that went on there, so she moved out It's very

comfortable and clean; it smells of hay You'd be surprised how nice it


"The like of her!" snorted Mrs McKee "She's late with her conscience,

I'ht," K remarked, hands on the wheel, but car stopped, "she had a

child there It--it's rather like very old tier, of course"

"What do you want me to do?" Mrs McKee's tone, which had been fierce at

the beginning, ended feebly

"I want you to go in and visit her, as you would any woman who'd had a new

baby and needed a friend Lie a little--" Mrs McKee gasped "Tell her

the baby's pretty Tell her you've been wanting to see her" His tone was

suddenly stern "Lie a little, for your soul's sake"