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"There is nothing to do"
But that, it see For suddenly Sidney's small world, which
had always sedately revolved in one direction, began to move the other way
The door opened, and the staff came in But where before they had moved
heavily, with drooped heads, now they came quickly, as men with a purpose
There was a tall man in a white coat with them He ordered them about like
children, and they hastened to do his will At first Sidney only knew that
now, at last, they were going to do so to do
soave orders
The heaviness of inactivity lifted The room buzzed The nurses stood by,
while the staff did nurses' work The senior surgical interne, essaying
assistance, was shoved aside by the senior surgical consultant, and stood
by, aggrieved
It was the Laht the news to Sidney The new
activity had caught Dr Ed, and she was alone now, her face buried against
the back of a chair
"There'll be sooing to do?"